Friends of Vorovoro,
You may have experienced island time before, which includes relaxing and being stress-free, but then there is Fiji Time, which also includes relaxing and being stress-free, but is so much more than just that. Fiji time is playing volleyball each night before dinner, making bilos (coconut bowls) tirelessly, journaling in hammocks during the sunset, and telling stories on the grog matt. Your own Fiji time may look different than someone else’s, so we want you to imagine what yours could entail. Is it climbing a Fijian coconut tree, giving you a new view of the magical island? Is it shopping for local ingredients while exploring the hustle and bustle that is the Labasa market? Is it night fishing for barracuda with new friends from around the world? Whatever it may be, and it may even just be better than you can imagine, one thing is for sure; there is no other clock more desirable to follow than that which tells Fiji Time.
In the West, we are constantly on the clock. Our lives are go-go-go, anxiety-inducing, and unnatural. Without typical jam-packed days, you will be permitted to be still, maybe for the first time in a long time. You will be able to spend your days at the pace in which you please. Spend genuine time getting to know and learn from everyone on the island. All of these things can help you to live a simpler, more peaceful life, which gives an adventure traveler like yourself the confidence to place value on things that actually have value, such as the importance of relationships and being kind to all. There is something so pure about getting to live on Fiji Time. At first, the sunny island days will go by quickly as everything is new and exciting and enthralling. But by the end of your stay, the days will be sweeter than ever and a part of Fiji will go home with you as you’ve learned how to live in a way that stops—or at least slows—the clock.
Open Island 2018 means an unspoiled place open for guests. It means open-air living. The open hearts of Mali hosts. Most of all, a chance to open yourself to new life experiences. See how affordable Fiji can be here.
Thanks for reading part 4 of 12 in our series. So far, we have talked about visiting Vorovoro encourages you to live more authentically, the amazing deals that we offer for travelers, and how you have the power to make a positive difference when you travel to Fiji with BTG. If you missed out on those, no worries, you can still read them on our Island Blog page. Read about making an even greater impact here. Look out for next week’s blog that will show you reason #5 why you and your loved ones should experience the Open Island initiative for yourselves. Until then, moce!
For a better world,
The BTG Team